
Hello all,

To start off, I should tell you that I’ve been writing for my own enjoyment, and to share with friends, for a long time. I love getting lost in my imaginary worlds and getting to know new characters. I’ve delved into mainstream, romance, suspense, mystery, and keep on trying new genres. I think I like mystery the best. It’s also what I like to read the most.You might know!

A while back I found Smashwords.com, a self publishing eBook website. I decided to check it out. I read up on The Smashwords Style Guide and figured out how to publish three of my short stories. If you would like to check them out go to https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/care. That has been the extent of my publishing life so far.

Recently I got the bug to learn more about publishing. I wrote a mystery/detective story, which is now ready to go to a professional editor and should be ready to publish soon. I want to do both eBooks and print books. Going on this new adventure has been quite a ride. There is so much to learn about getting published. Some good, some tough to swallow. Like how stiff the competition is. There are thousands of manuscripts being submitted every week. I never knew there were so many writers out here.

I invite you to come on along with me and we’ll see what we find out there in the real world of publishing!

I welcome replies and look forward to hearing from you.

Until soon, Carol

Windows 8.1

We went shopping yesterday. I finally found the new computer I’ve been looking for. It’s so nice to have a machine that works ‘like new’ again. The 8.1 operating system is different, but the more I learn about it, the better I like it. Now when the xp can’t be updated or kept running I’ll have the new one.

I found out yesterday that Joan is going to be great grandma again. Bob’s son, Dalton, and his wife, Hope, are expecting their first child. Such excitement in the Fairbanks family!

Until next time, love you all.♥

Happy Birthday, Cathy

I don’t know if Cathy will see this or not, it’s been a while since she’s been on the blog, but today is her birthday and I wish her the best one yet.

Hope it was very special, dear girl. ♥


Website has moved-

This website has moved to http://carolcarrollauthor.wordpress.com/ 

Please come on over and see what’s new.

Need Reviews

My new eBook, Inconclusive Death an Aaron Blake Mystery, is now available on Smashwords.com, and coming soon in print. I’m in need of reviews. If you can help me out, go to this link: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/243100  Write the review in a reply box below. Thank you so very much. I’ll return the favor when you need me to. Just let me know. 🙂

Always, Carol

Useful Things

I saw this question asked on a blog I read by Linda Huson and wanted to ask all of you…
Do you collect anything useful?  As for me, it’s candles. I like the pretty little jars and the good smelling scents when the candle burns.

Book Discussion


If you click on this link, Online Reading, you will find a free book by Mike Wells. It’s on the Smashwords website. You will see where to turn the pages at the bottom of the story. I have started a post where we can share our thoughts on his story. Click on Good Reads in the header, and then scroll down to find Lust, Book 1 by Mike Wells. See you there!

Writing Prompt

Look into these eyes, what is this young woman trying to tell you? Write her story, you may keep it short or make it as long as you like.

How All This Started

I can’t remember when I ever didn’t think it would be fun to write a book. The idea always lived in the back of my mind to be pulled up now and then to consider it again. But alas, wanting to and actually doing it are two separate entities!

Nearly twenty years ago, I had a good friend who had found herself in hard times. After an accident she lost her job and her will to carry on. Walking down the aisle in the grocery store one day, the idea struck me. My friend and I had talked numerous times about writing a book. Perhaps this was the time to actually do it. I naively thought we could get a book written together and published, so she would have an income. We tried to write it together, but our styles were just too different. I suggested I write it and she type it. I spent three months, practically night and day, hammering it out in long hand. She deciphered my scribbling and changes, followed the arrows to put pieces in the right places, and typed up the pages.

I hunted for publishers, found out how to summit a query, and mailed off the next best seller. Now all I had to do was wait for someone to accept my story and get the presses rolling, right? Meanwhile I kept looking into the publishing business and sending in more queries. To my surprise, all I got back was polite rejection letters in my self-addressed envelopes.

To my dismay, I found out that writing a book is only the beginning of getting a published book on the book store shelves! I told you I was naïve! As time went by, I got discouraged. I shared my story with family and friends who all thought it was great. What was the matter with publishers not to see it? My reader’s wanted more about my protagonist. I knew there was more to tell, so I wrote a sequel. I enjoyed seeing where the characters took me next. I loved writing the rest of the story.

By the time it was finished I had given up on the idea of publishing books, but not on my love for writing them. I got one of those new-fangled computer things and started writing short stories. What fun.

To be continued.




I’m still looking for a professional editor to give my mystery/detective manuscript a good edit. There are so many out there that look promising, how does a person decide? Well, for me , the cost has to be a consideration. The type of edit is an issue. Do I need proofreading, copy editing or something else. This is the first novel I’ve set out to get  published, and the first time I’ve searched for an editor. A lot of firsts going on here! I’ve read many editor’s websites. Sent in snippets of my story for sample edits. Heard back from what look to me to be excellent editors. Now, I’ll be making a decision soon.

Anyone have some helpful advice for me?

Lust, Book 1 by Mike Wells

I started reading a new book today. In fact, my husband and I are reading it together. First one reads out loud, then the other. We like to share books this way, been doing it for years. This book is Lust, Money & Murder A series by Mike Wells,  Book 1, Lust.

So far we’ve met Elaine Brogan and her parents. Elaine has always been the joy in her father’s life, a regular daddy’s little girl. Now she’s sixteen and all grown up. If you’d like to read it too, the book is available at most eBook distributors. Smashwords, Nook, and Kindle have computer programs where you can read their books online. I see it’s free on Smashwords.

If you get the book, let me know what you think of it. Just, please, don’t give away too much of the story.

Happy Reading